Asha Rangappa

Note from Asha: Fearless Speech: What Are You Willing to Risk to Speak Out?
Dear Reader, Almost four years ago, I wrote a CAFE Note called, “Never Let Your Skill Exceed Your Virtue.” It was about the special responsibility borne by lawyers, in particular, not to become complicit in efforts to undermine democracy by providing a veneer of legality for unethical, corrupt, or illegal acts. This past week, two […]

Note from Asha: Meta’s Pay to Play Gambit

Note from Asha: How Bad Are Trump’s Nominees? Ask Carla F.

Note from Asha: When Murder Becomes a Foreign Policy Tool

Note from Asha: The Long Arc of Racial Violence

Note from Asha: Not Everything is About Free Speech

Note from Asha: Trump Knows Exactly What He’s Doing

Note from Asha: Is Political Neutrality on Social Media Impossible?

Note from Asha: Democracy — Use It or Lose It

Note from Asha: Analysis Paralysis — Judge Cannon Stalls Again

Note from Asha: Section 702: Mischief Managed (For Now)

Note from Asha: The Clock is Tik-Tok-ing

Note from Asha: Smirnov on Ice
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