Barbara McQuade
Note from Barb: The Art of the Counter-Punch
Dear Reader, A chilling effect doesnât work when critics bring the heat. On Sunday, Donald Trump said that the members of Congress who investigated the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol should âgo to jail.â Words that once may have sounded like the ramblings of an angry old man become more menacing when theyâre […]
Note from Barb: Unpardonable
Note from Barb: Disinformation at the Eye of the Storm
Note from Barb: A Swift Way to Change the Conversation
Note from Barb: The Couch Gag
Note from Barb: The Mission of Justice
Note from Barb: Bringing Light to Dark Money
Note from Barb: What to Expect When Youâre Expecting a Verdict?
Note from Barb: Hiding in Plain Sight
Note from Barb: Judicial Bite to Meet the Bark
Note from Barb: No, Youâre Violating My First Amendment Rights!
Note from Barb: Time to Put Anonymity in the Dog House
Note from Barb: The 25 Percenters
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