Jack Smith
Note from Elie: Jack Smith’s Poison Pill
His Reckless Gamble Could Tank the Jan. 6 Case Dear Reader, There’s an unforgettable scene in Good Will Hunting where Matt Damon’s character, in a session with a therapist played by Robin Williams, talks about his childhood with an abusive father. Damon says, “He used to just put a wrench, a stick, and a belt […]
CAFE Insider Sample 9/3: Trump & Telegram
CAFE Insider 9/3: Trump & Telegram
Note from Elie: Jack Smith Can Still Hurt Donald Trump
Note from Barb: The Mission of Justice
What Will It Take For Democrats To Win? (with Ezra Klein)
Note from Elie: Judge Cannon’s Ruling: Probably Wrong, But Not Crazy
Note from Elie: After the Supreme Court’s Immunity Ruling, All Four Trump Cases are in Trouble
Note from Elie: Immunity
Note from Elie: The Supreme Court Puts Jack Smith in a Bind
Week in a Nutshell, 5/24/24
CAFE Insider 4/9: Trump’s Delay Desperation
Note from Elie: Will We See Any Trump Trials Before the Election?
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