Classified Documents

Note from Elie: DOJ’s Selective Do-Nothing Era
When Hillary Clinton used a private email server while she was Secretary of State, she became the subject of a years-long Justice Department investigation that culminated with a public announcement by the FBI director that she had been “extremely careless” but would not be indicted. When Donald Trump took dozens of classified documents to his […]

Stay Tuned Bonus 7/16: Joyce Vance

Note from Elie: Judge Cannon’s Ruling: Probably Wrong, But Not Crazy

CAFE Insider 6/25: Open Season on Precedent

Week in a Nutshell, 6/14/24

CAFE Insider 6/11: Hunter Biden Convicted

Week in a Nutshell, 5/24/24

Note from Asha: Analysis Paralysis — Judge Cannon Stalls Again

Stay Tuned Bonus 2/15

Week In a Nutshell, 1/20/23

Week In a Nutshell, 1/13/23

2022 in Review

CAFE Insider 11/29: Pence on the Fence
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