social media

Surviving the Trump News Cycle (with Charlie Warzel)
Being online seems worse than it used to. Can we solve that? Preet speaks with The Atlantic’s Charlie Warzel, who writes about technology, media, and politics. They discuss legacy media, MAGA-era disinformation, and how the internet helps us justify our own beliefs. You can now watch portions of this episode! Head to CAFE’s Youtube channel […]

Note from Asha: Meta’s Pay to Play Gambit

Stay Tuned Bonus 12/5: Sam Harris

Trump’s Puzzling Free Speech Proposals (with Lee Bollinger)

What’s the Deal with TikTok? (with Asha Rangappa)

Note from Asha: Not Everything is About Free Speech

Note from Asha: Is Political Neutrality on Social Media Impossible?

Trump Media Goes Public (with Felix Salmon)

Note from Asha: The Clock is Tik-Tok-ing

Note from Barb: No, You’re Violating My First Amendment Rights!

In Brief: Protecting Kidfluencers (with Jessica Maddox)

Stay Tuned Bonus 10/13: Ruth Ben-Ghiat
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