
Stormy Testimony & Space Wars (with David Ignatius)
David Ignatius is a foreign affairs columnist at The Washington Post and a bestselling spy thriller novelist. He joins Preet to discuss the space arms race, the technology of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and his newest novel, Phantom Orbit. Plus, Preet’s thoughts on Stormy Daniels’ testimony and whether Trump’s gag order violations will […]

America’s Allies & Enemies (with David Sanger)

Is TikTok’s Time Up? (with Lauren Feiner)

Note from Asha: The Clock is Tik-Tok-ing

Global Power Plays (with Ian Bremmer)

Note From Asha: Don’t Look Up

In Brief: China Has Police Stations in the U.S.? (with John Carlin)

Note from Preet: Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip, Explained (with Evan Osnos)

Should Pelosi Travel to Taiwan?

What Could End the World? (with Ian Bremmer)

The Price and Politics of Oil (with Daniel Yergin)
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